Monday, May 27, 2013

5-27-13: Draining Time

Time is a precious gift. This week I felt like I was opening the gift of my mission a little too quickly but...there is still plenty of wrapping paper left so nobody panic.

Taufe for reals!
Despite great adversity leading up to the baptism, Lisa got baptized on Saturday and she is so happy! We spent a lot of time this week supporting her and prepping for the program and service. The baptism was supposed to start at 5:00 Saturday evening and Sister D and I got to the church at 2:00 because it takes three hours to fill the font (strange water heating problems prevent fast filling). Two people from the neighboring city of Groitch were also getting baptized on Saturday, so the Groitch elders helped prepare the program and get everything ready before the baptism.
A few things went slightly array during our prep time. We started out with no keys for the kitchen or for baptismal clothing, but acquired those at approximately 4:18 and insanely quick sandwich making ensued. Lisa was supposed to arrive at 4:00 but due to a series of unfortunate delays, she arrived at 4:55. We scrambled to find baptismal clothes that would fit and rushed upstairs so the meeting could start fifteen minutes late. So all was well. 
Except the well.
Meaning the baptismal font.
Because as we started the program before the baptism, Sister D gasped and said she needed to go check the water downstairs. 
She ran downstairs and....the font was empty. 
Because it had been a little too full beforehand and so Sister D had pulled the plug to drain it a little... but forgot to plug it again....
She remained remarkably calm at the time and turned on the water again and started boiling water in the kitchen. Which leads to our...

Wunder der Woche
Because a three hour job somehow was managed in 45 minutes through the aid of many ward members, all the available faucets in the church, and the Lord, who somehow kept the water warm. Three people were therefore able to be baptized with the allotted water and Lisa was just glowing with the joy after her baptism.
We were also glowing, but that was partly from the sweat of running around and gathering water.

It was so great though. Lisa is normally a happy person, but she just looked so excited about the decision that she made and so much at peace. Plus five of the six missionaries who had taught her managed to make it :)

I am so grateful for the gift of my mission and for the gifts other people can hopefully receive from me being here. 

The newest church member in Leipzig!

Quote of the Week
A quote from our conversation regarding our desire to get a dog and talk to more people...
"Sister D, we all have to make sacrifices on our missions. You´re going to have to forfeit your eyesight, or possibly pluck out your eyes, so that we can get a guide dog so that more people will talk to us on the street. It`s a sacrifice we must make for the work to go forward." --Me
I haven`t lost my sarcasm yet in case you were wondering :)

Love you all. Especially those of you that write me :)

Sister Claire Michelle Woodward

Sister D and I at a service project

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